Bonnie4Salem – Bonnie Wright

The ‘Cost’ of Voting in America: A Look at Where It’s Easiest and Hardest

Voters in New Hampshire face the highest personal cost in the country in terms of the time and effort required to cast a ballot, according to a new academic study.  NH is ranked 50. The study ranks all 50 states based on the overall investment a resident must make, in time and resources, to vote. …

Environment, Energy and the Economy are on the Line

NH legislators have been peddling a false choice between economic prosperity and the environment. The cost of their greed can be measured in lost lives, higher food prices and billions of dollars in disaster relief. Despite NH having one of the highest electric rates in the nation, NH legislators consistently vote to keep us reliant …


On Transparency — Getting Personal You may have noticed that I’ve been missing in action a bit lately. I’ve been feeling a bit punky, and, a week and a half ago, I had some fairly intensive abdominal pain. I saw a Physician’s Assistant on Friday, Sept 30. They ordered an x-ray and then a CT …

AFT-NH on School Assessment Scores

School Assessment Scores Show New Hampshire Public Schools Are In A Strong Position With More Work To Be Done  ~AFT-NH President Deb Howes CONCORD, N.H.— Yesterday [Mid-July], the New Hampshire Department of Education released assessment data showing that New Hampshire’s public schools continue to make improvements getting closer to pre-pandemic levels of achievement. AFT-NH President Deb Howes …

Labor Day

This weekend is Labor Day!!! Thank a union! Labor Day, an annual holiday being celebrated this year on Monday, September 5, pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. For many, Labor Day represents the end of the summer and the start of the back-to-school season. In the late 1800s, the average American …

Core Values

The Town of Salem periodically puts out a MailChimp newsletter, called the Town Hall Times. If you are a Salem Resident, I urge you to sign up to receive this email which appears to be coming about once every 30-45 days. With no daily or weekly newspaper that covers Salem, this is a good way …

Virtual Hug

I believe in the power of kindness, so I give hugs. Physically connecting with another person is important. I give hugs to people I know, and to people I meet. I’ve had people, especially our older population, break down sobbing because they couldn’t remember the last time they had a hug. It makes me feel …

The Pledge …

The Pledge … the Fossil Fuel pledge, that is. I won’t take “THE Pledge” as our Republican State Reps do. When they pledge to “cut taxes” it can mean downshifting tax responsibilities from the State to property owners. I do promise to do everything I can to not raise taxes, but I won’t promise to …

I’m running!

I’m excited to share that I’m running to represent #SalemNH in the NH State House and am looking forward to discussing the issues that matter most to Granite Staters. If you have questions or want to get involved, I’m open to respectful dialog. #NHPolitics

Charter Commission — Thanks, Salem!

Thank you, Salem! I appreciate all of those who turned out to vote, and especially those who voted for me! Election results can be found here: Of the 1,176 people who voted, I earned 449 votes. Only Bernie Campbell (463) and DJ Bettencourt (452) had more votes than I had. 14 votes from first …