The attendance record for NH legislators was pretty dismal in 2018. That needs to change! We need to elect State Reps who will be there not only for roll call votes, but also for their own committee meetings and to listen and learn at hearings on critical bills.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a bit of a perfectionist.
If I commit to something, I do it the very best that I can.
If I am elected as one of the nine State Reps from Salem, you can count on me to be in Concord. I want one of those gold stars, for perfect attendance!
But it’s not just the roll call votes that matter. What isn’t tracked is committee attendance.
Salem deserves to have Representatives that will make this a full-time commitment. If elected, I intend to be there for floor votes AND my committee meetings. I also plan to attend hearings for controversial bills (if they don’t conflict with my own committee meetings), even if it means going to Concord for an extra day.
I have the time and dedication to make this a top priority. With your support in September and November, you can count on me to be there for you.