Campaigns are expensive. Large, at-large districts like Salem, are even more expensive. Donations are very appreciated!
Donations can be made through Act Blue:
You may make a donation via other methods including PayPal, Facebook or by check.
Any donation over $25 requires the following info:
Your address, your employer’s name, their address, and your job title.
Checks may be sent to:
Bonnie Wright for NH State House
34 Liberty St
Salem NH 03079
Other Campaign Funding Rules
- Contributions must be made from your own fund; funds must not be provided to you by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
- You must be at least eighteen years old.
- You must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
- All donations greater than $25 will be reported to the NH Secretary of State.
- Political contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes.
- The maximum aggregate contribution on a cumulative basis is $2,000 per election cycle per contributor ($1,000 USD for the primary + $1,000 USD for the general). Husband and wife can be considered as separate contributors.