COVID-19 Update October 8
- Total: 345 confirmed cases in Salem
- 1 out of every 86 Salem residents have been infected
- Salem Today: 1 new case, 11 active cases
• • • • • • TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT • • • • • •
- Salem has another resident confirmed to have a COVID-19 infection.
- Communities:
- 20 communities have 5 or more active cases:
Manchester (92). Nashua (82). Bedford (55). Merrimack (17). Dover (13). Goffstown and Rochester (12 each). Salem and Durham (11 each). Derry, Hampton, Hooksett and Windham (10 each). Exeter (9). Hudson and Pembroke (8 each). Concord and Londonderry (7 each). Pelham and Portsmouth (5 each).
- Some of the communities with significant increases in cumulative cases: Manchester (17). Nashua (12). Bedford (5). Milford, Bedford, Merrimack and Hampton (3 each).
- Communities with significant increases over the past week: Manchester (60). Nashua (66). Bedford (18). Goffstown, Hampton, and Hooksett (10 each). Merrimack (9). Salem and Derry (8 each)
- 20 communities have 5 or more active cases:
- Today, for the second day in a row, two more people were hospitalized with COVID-19. There were no hospitalizations for the previous week. There are 14 people still hospitalized.
- Another person has died from COVID-19. NH had a long streak, where we were been doing really well, but we have lost ten people since October 1.
- Active long-term care outbreaks: Bedford Hills Center (55 residents, 15 staff, 5 deaths). Pine Rock Manor, Warner (4 residents, 1 staff, 0 deaths). Warde Health Care Center, Windham (3 residents, 1 staff, 0 deaths).
- The graph of Salem cases has been updated, and can be found beneath the calendar.
• • • • • • DIAGNOSTIC TESTS IN NH • • • • • •
- New positive cases per DHHS: 79
- 55 PCR tests
- 24 Antigen tests
- New positive cases by my math (Total of today’s cases minus yesterday’s total): 78
- Children under 18 in new cases: 15
- Total positive cases in NH: 8,878
- Percentage of today’s tests that are positive per DHHS: 0.01%
- Total PCR tests results reported today (Positive results plus negative results): 2,500
- The daily average of diagnostic (PCR) tests reported from 7 days ago to today: 1,394
- New negative results reported today: 2,422
- Total negative cases in NH: 278,750
• • • • • • ROCKINGHAM COUNTY • • • • • •
- Total cases in Rockingham County: 2,175
- New cases in Rockingham County: 19
- Rockingham County: New cases per 100K residents: 6.1
- Rockingham County 1-week average per 100K residents: 3.9
- Percent of all cases from Rockingham County: 24.5% yesterday
- Percent of all cases from either Hillsborough County or Rockingham County: 78%
• • • • • • ACTIVE CASES • • • • • •
- Active cases in NH: 531
- Active cases in Rockingham County: 97
- Percent of NH’s active cases that are in Rockingham County: 18.3%
• • • • • • OTHER TEST RESULTS • • • • • •
- New antibody tests: 57
- Total antibody tests (No break downs of positive vs. negative): 31,384
- The daily average of antibody tests reported from 7 days ago to today: 36
• • • • • • CHANGES BY AGES • • • • • • (Over the past two days)
- 0-9: +8 (2.8% of all cases. 5.4% of new cases)
- 10-19: +22 (7.4% of all; 15.0% today)
- 20-29: +35 (17.4% of all; 23.8% today)
- 30-39: +17 (14.0% of all; 11.6% today)
- 40-49: +24 (12.8% of all; 16.3% today)
- 50-59: +18 (15.4% of all; 12.2% today)
- 60-69: +9 (11.9% of all; 6.1% today)
- 70-79: +6 (7.4% of all; 4.1% today)
- 80+: +8 (10.9% of all; 5.4% today)
• • • • • • CHANGES IN SCHOOLS • • • • • •
- This is becoming too cumbersome to give a thorough breakdown every day. The state gives us a choice of a long list of all schools or a growing list of schools with cases, but there is not a list of schools with active cases. As the number of schools keeps going up, this is a lot of manual counting. I will keep my eye on it, but there isn’t enough info to make it worth the time it takes. I also question the reliability, as previously discussed.
- There is no change in Salem schools, including Woodbury. The state is still showing one infection at Woodbury (Middle) School in Salem; it should be Peter Woodbury (Elementary) School in Bedford. Peter Woodbury School does have one person now.
- From yesterday to today:
- The total number of schools with kids infected went from 72 to 77.
- The schools with active cases went from 39 to 35.
- The number of kids with active infections went from 76 to 68.
- UNH-Durham went from 20 active students to 19, and recovered went from 138 to 141. That’s a total of 160 students, two more than yesterday. What puzzles me is that there are no clusters, and there is no current outbreak.
• • • • • • RECOVERED IN NH • • • • • •
- Announced today: 53
- Total Recovered: 7,898
- Percentage of diagnosed cases that have recovered: 89.0%
• • • • • • HOSPITALIZATIONS IN NH • • • • • •
- New: 2
- Current: 14
- Total Hospitalized: 747
- Percentage of those who have been infected that have been hospitalized: 8.41%
• • • • • • DEATHS IN NH • • • • • •
- Lives lost today: 1
- Persons over 60 years of age who died today: 1
- Persons under 60 years of age who died today: 0
- Total fatalities in NH associated with COVID-19: 449
- NH Residents diagnosed with COVID-19 that died: 5.06%
- Lives lost in Rockingham today: 0
These are not simply numbers. We must not forget that these are all someone’s husband or wife, mother or father, sister or brother, son or daughter, friend or neighbor.
Stay safe, and always, be kind.

Useful links
- Rent or mortgage assistance because of COVID-19, help can be found here.
- COVID-19 testing:
- Complications of COVID-19:
- COVID-19 is not the flu. Here are the numbers:
- The Science Behind Masks:
- Unemployment resources:
- Resources for Salem residents:
- Safer at Home guidance documents on the State’s website.
- Other COVID resources from NH DHHS on the State’s website.
- Other COVID resources:
Sources used to create this report: