Thanks to Kelly Moss, for submitting this letter to the editor, and to the others, listed below, too.
To the editor:
We are not just voting for president on Election Day. The state candidates we elect have a far greater impact on our daily lives than whomever we put in the White House.
When choosing a state representative, I don’t want someone who just rubber-stamps their party’s agenda. I want someone who cares about the people of Salem and does what is best for our community; someone invested in our town, who carefully considers each issue before casting a vote and who keeps her constituents informed about what happens in Concord.
For these reasons, I will be casting my vote for Bonnie Wright.Wright has lived in Salem for over a decade, and in that time she has shown her commitment to Salem. She is chairwoman of our Zoning Board and president of the Farmer’s Market.Also, when the pandemic hit in March and everyone was searching for information, she took it upon herself to collect and report the Salem-specific COVID-19 information in a convenient but comprehensive daily online update.
Whether the numbers were going up or down, she reported the facts, not political spin.In a world so filled with disinformation and partisan fighting, it is refreshing to have someone in our community whom I can trust to put facts first.
Wright works hard in town to make Salem a better community, and I am confident that she will do the same when we send her to Concord.
I hope your readers will join me in voting Bonnie Wright for state representative
.Kelly Moss
Salem, N.H.
This was published on the Eagle Tribune’s website on October 20.
All comments are included with permission of the writer.
Endorsements from organizations can be found at
Bonnie’s due diligence is incredible. She’s collaborative, kind, & will make thoughtful, intelligent decisions with integrity, best practice, and will represent what’s best for today & the future.