Today the NH House of Representatives announced the assignments to Standing Committees. NH State Reps from Salem were assigned to some of the key committees. Congratulations to them all. The nine Reps from Rockingham 8 (Salem) will be representing Salem on floor votes, and will represent Salem as well as the entire State, in their …
Final Stretch
Two years ago, this month, I announced that I was running for State Rep. It’s been a long two years — the longest job interview I’ve ever had, for a job that pays all of $100 per year. ($100! That is not a typo.) Now we are 24 hours away from the polls closing. In …
Put a Woman in Charge!
I had not heard this song until this evening, when a new friend sent it to me, and suggested that I make it mine. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Bonnie [Verse 1: Keb’ Mo’] Way back when In the beginning of time Man made the fire then the wheel …
Conversations with a Candidate
I believe public officials should be available to their constituents. If elected, I intend to have public meetings where my constituents can meet with me, and discuss their concerns. But to be elected as your Representative, I need your vote on Tuesday, November 6. Perhaps you already know for whom you will vote, but there are …
What’s happening to the bugs, fish, frogs and us?
Where are the bugs? Scientists are reporting that Insects around the world are in a crisis, as a number of long-term studies showing dramatic declines in their population. Insect-eating animals are also in decline. Scientist Stephanie Seneff says, “Very grim news from the insect world. I’d bet my money on glyphosate as a major factor in …
Continue reading “What’s happening to the bugs, fish, frogs and us?”
Seniors, ServiceLink and the State Plan on Aging
NH has one of the oldest median age populations in the country, second only to Maine. At our current rate, we are expected to exceed Maine within the next five years. A little over two years ago, I wrote about The Silver Tsunami. Some of the statistics might have changed, but the general concerns have …
Continue reading “Seniors, ServiceLink and the State Plan on Aging”
November 6 — Constitutional Amendments & Candidates
On Tuesday, November 6, Salem Residents will be asked to vote for a number of political candidates (see below), plus two Constitutional Amendment Questions. Here’s the non-partisan info you need to begin to be an informed voter: Here are two sources for info about those amendments, both of which passed in the NH House and …
Continue reading “November 6 — Constitutional Amendments & Candidates”
Peace Day
Friday, September 21, 2018: International Day of Peace (United Nations) Every year since 2013, on September 21, we recognize the United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Peace across the globe. The day is dedicated to peace education, the key to reducing war, and is also a day of ceasefire – personal or political. On this day, we take time to …
“The Rule of Law is the Light of Truth” – Robert Mueller I’ve been a member of the Salem Zoning Board of Adjustment since 2014, when I was appointed by members of the ZBA to serve as an alternate. In 2016, I was elected to serve as a member of the ZBA in our Municipal Elections. In 2017, and again …
MisLEAD: America’s Secret Epidemic
Lead Poisoning: “1 in 3 children is impacted by this environmental illness- 22,000,000 U.S. children today, but chances are they’ve never even tested your child. It conservatively costs the U.S. $100 billion annually, however a carefully crafted political campaign has made you think it’s not your problem. Think again.” ~ Tamara Rubin Join me at this …
Opioid Northwood 2
Having found no one to take me up on my suggestion of a carpool, my poor husband was one again dragged off (protesting only mildly) to join me in tonight’s presentation, The Opioid Crisis: How did it happen, how do we deal with it, and how it affects everyone in NH, by David Coursin, MD. Thank you, Dr. Coursin, …
Tommy’s Birthday Wish
I have known Tommy for about five years. I watched him grow from an awkward pre-teen to an articulate young man. I have seen his family struggle with health issues, accidents, injuries, and death of close family members. I’ve seen his parents struggle with providing decent food and adequate housing for Tommy and his brothers, …
Kisielice, Renewable Energy and Veto Day
“The town of Kisielice in Poland is 100 percent powered by renewable energy sourced from wind and biomass. In recognition of its achievement, the town has just been awarded a European Commission ManagEnergy Award 2014 in the self-sufficiency category. The achievement is even more remarkable given that Poland as a whole derives around 90 percent …
The attendance record for NH legislators was pretty dismal in 2018. That needs to change! We need to elect State Reps who will be there not only for roll call votes, but also for their own committee meetings and to listen and learn at hearings on critical bills. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m …
Opioid Workshop – Northwood
Fighting the opioid crisis is one of my top priorities. My eyes picked up when I spotted this workshop, so, while it’s an hour away from Salem, it might be worth the trip. Anyone want to carpool? The Opioid Crisis: How did it happen, how do we deal with it, and how it affects everyone …
“Once an addict, always an addict.” I know, because people close to me have fought substance abuse issues. They are addicts. I spent a fair number of years of my life with someone who was an alcoholic. He was a very good person, but it was always a challenge, trying to figure out when he …
Farm Bill & SNAP
My husband and I are not wealthy, but our bills get paid on time. It hasn’t always been that way for me. When I was a young mom, home with a toddler and a newborn, my first husband lost his job. We had no income. It was rough going. We had WIC (Women, Infant, and …
4th of July
Kudos to the Town of Salem for another great Independence Day celebration! What a nice event they put on every year. The fireworks this year lasted for about 25 un-interrupted minutes, and had some unusual lights. I’m glad to be able to share this with my daughter and granddaughter, continuing a family tradition. I was …
Home Sweet Home
Confession time: I grew up in Massachusetts, spending the first 18 years of my life in Danvers. Haters are going to hate, but, like the Dreamers, I had no control over where my parents decided to raise me. Two weeks after graduating from Danvers High School, I chose to move to Northern New England, where …
Leadership Southern NH
Photo by Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce This winter, the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce started a new program, Leadership Southern New Hampshire, modeled after their Leadership Greater Salem, which stopped 15 years ago. I was fortunate to be one of the first 16 participants in the new Leadership program. Our group met once …