L to R: Bonnie Wright, Amy Healy, Sean Lewis, Christine Steele, and Carla Billingham. Sean Lewis for New Hampshire, Carla Billingham for NH House of Representatives and Bonnie4Salem Wright had a Meet and Greet the Candidates event in August at Peach Tree Farm. The event was also a fundraiser for a local non-profit. The Facebook community made suggestions, which were all put …
Got Drugs?
GOT DRUGS? Turn them in! As part of a national prescription drug take back, the Salem Police Department is collecting unused pill or other meds on Saturday. And that’s a good thing. Left unused, drugs can be tempting for children. Properly disposing of them and help prevent abuse or overdose. These are great reasons …
Millville Lake
A Hasty Assessment of the Issues facing Millville Lake: Native and non-native invasive plants, invasive animals (Chinese Mystery Snail), and Water Quality Prepared by Bonnie Wright Candidate for NH House of Representatives At noontime on Friday, Janet Breslin Smith mentioned some issues that the Millville Lake Protective Association is facing. She suggested that I be prepared …
Maternal Mortality Rates
Increasingly, US Moms are dying during childbirth or immediately following delivery. This shouldn’t be happening. But it is. Why? In 2011, only 18 states had a maternal mortality review board. By 2016, that number had doubled to at least 38 states, with 24 active. NH was one of the new states to add this. This …
NH Health Protection Program
“The NH Health Protection Program, our version of Medicaid expansion, has been an unqualified success. More than 50,000 hard-working people are now able to receive the health care they need but could not afford previously. Hospitals report fewer emergency room visits and far lower uncompensated care expenses. Because the NHHPP covers treatment for substance abuse, …
Signs of the time!
It was a dark, gloomy, wet day, but that didn’t mean it was a bad day! Rain might slow me down a little, but it sure didn’t stop me! The highlight of the day was the last place I stopped while canvassing. It happened to be someone I knew. First words out of her mouth were …
Zoning Board & Charity Gambling
Last night, the Salem Zoning Board of Adjustments met to vote on three requests for variances to permit charity gambling, and, very specifically, poker rooms. I had to cast three votes against the proposed charity gambling LOCATIONS. It really stinks when you have to do the wrong thing for the right reasons. We could …
Rights & Democracy
I am so pleased to announce that I I have received an endorsement from Rights & Democracy . In their first wave of endorsements, RAD included one candidate for governor, one candidate for Executive Council, one county-level candidate, and ten candidates for NH House of Representatives. It was an enormous honor to have been included in that …
A friend is skydiving today*. That reminded me of the day I stepped out of a perfectly good plane, 13* years ago. When I looked back at my photos, I realized that it was 13* years ago … today! Now I’m taking a different kind of step. Running for NH House is almost as scary, …
Received today!
Thanks to my old co-worker, who sent a greeting card today with a campaign contribution. This is the front cover and inside message! Both are much appreciated, as are all of the contributions that I’ve received. Thank you, one and all. Luckily for my opponents, I’m not like that! (I’m the one who brought a …
We said, “We shall never forget.” But have we remembered? John Kerry said, “Remember the hours after September 11, when we came together as one? It was the worst day we have ever seen, but it brought out the best in all of us.” It has been fifteen years since this tragedy, when we cried …
September is Recovery Month
The Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services recognizes and celebrates the gains made by those in recovery every day, but September holds special significance. This month we celebrate Recovery Month, a national event intended to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with a mental and/or substance use disorder …
Women’s Equality Day
Tomorrow is Women’s Equality Day. But, shouldn’t women be equal EVERY day? On August 26, 1920, American women received the right to vote upon the certification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. In 1971, Congress proclaimed August 26 as Women’s Equality Day, in commemoration of that day. We’ve had the right to vote for 96 years. …
Solar Spill
A solar spill is called a sunny day. Germany is one of the world’s leaders in the use of solar photovoltaics (PV) panels. In 2014, Germany produced approximately 6.2 to 6.9 percent of their electricity, and by 2015, it produced 7.5% of Germany’s net electricity consumption. Germany’s PV capacity has doubled on a average of every 18 months, with a 50% annual growth rate. By 2016, …
Business Roundtable Discussion
In May, my running mates (Carla Billingham and Sean Lewis) and I had the opportunity to visit with the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce and BIA (Business and Industry Association). BIA organized Round Table Discussions in nine different locations across the state, to determine what the business community sees as issues for the upcoming legislative session. Key concerns were identified, and …
Happy Birthday, Medicaid Expansion
Today is the two-year anniversary of NH implementing Medicaid Expansion. Did you know that the bipartisan N.H. Health Protection Act, expands Medicaid health care to almost 50,000 low-income, hard-working Granite Staters, who rely on this expansion to live healthy lives? Senator Jeff Woodburn says, “Uninsured emergency room visits are down significantly. Uncompensated care, a hidden tax …
Ice Cream Social Followup
Democratic House Candidates in Salem Host Ice Cream Social Summer event brings lawmakers and constituents together Thanks to Susan McLaughlin for coming to video our Ice Cream Social last week! This video will be shown on our local public TV station, and is also available at: http://reflect.vod.salem.cablecast.tv/TRMSVOD/10880-icecrmstaterep-Medium-v1.mp4 I’m so proud of my teammates that are running for …
7th Generation
What is the 7th Generation principle and why do you need to know about it? MAY 15, 2013 • BY MOLLY LARKIN • COMMENTS 23 Whenever I mention the 7th Generation principle to most people, they think I’m talking about laundry detergent. I’m always surprised that more people don’t know the origin of the term, so I felt …
The Silver Tsunami
Let’s face it: Our population in NH is aging. Our children are growing up, moving away, and leaving an elderly population behind. By 2020, our population of seniors over the age of 65 will be 20% of the State’s population, up from 13.5% in 2010. The traditional workforce, aged 20 to 64, is expected to decline …
Young Families
In my last post, I talked about the “silver tsunami” — concerns about the average age of Granite Staters. One of the reasons we see that growing percentage of seniors is the decline in the percentage of younger residents. How are we doing to make young people want to stay here in New Hampshire? (Or perhaps more important, …