Opioid Workshop – Northwood

Fighting the opioid crisis is one of my top priorities. My eyes picked up when I spotted this workshop, so, while it’s an hour away from Salem, it might be worth the trip. Anyone want to carpool?

The Opioid Crisis:

How did it happen, how do we deal with it,
and how it affects everyone in NH.
By David Coursin, MD

On Thursday September 6, from 7 pm – 8:30 pm, at the Northwood Community Center at 135 Main St, I’ll be presenting information about the opioid epidemic. I have treated addicted patients in the hospital and in the community throughout my career. As a member of the investigative committee for the NH Board of Medicine, I’ve dealt first hand with the fall-out from inappropriate health care and with the impact of prescribing rules. I’ve closely followed how this crisis developed and the regulatory and legal factors that allowed it to escalate.

I understand what effective treatment looks like, and I know there is hope for suffering individuals and frightened families when that treatment is available. I’ll draw on all of this in a 30-minute talk intended to generate questions and discussion. The talk is open to anyone interested in learning more about the topic and in creating a civil dialogue about it.

This is the first in a series of discussion nights, each centered on a specific topic. They are scheduled monthly, on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays nights from 7 pm – 8:30 pm at the Community Center. Email me at electdavidcoursin@gmail.com if you want to be notified about coming events. Look for public announcements otherwise.

Join me and we’ll make it interesting.

David Coursin, MD
Committee to Elect David Coursin for State Representative
Grace Mattern, Fiscal Agent
Box 83, Northwood, NH, 03261