Bonnie4Salem – Page 32 – Bonnie Wright


Wow. This is awesome. This self-sufficient community will grow its own food and create its own renewable energy. I wish we could do this in New Hampshire!   In a crisis, our grocery stores only have enough food for 3 days. We need to start looking at ways of making our country more food efficient, …

What a Turkey!

What a turkey! And, no, I’m not talking about a politician … right now, anyway! This parent and baby decided to take a stroll through my backyard this afternoon. Many people think of Salem as a city, but here in my yard we have a wild life refuge. We have birds. Lots of them, and a wide variety, …

Ice Cream Social

Which local non-profit should receive the proceeds from the Ice Cream Social to Meet the Candidates on Wednesday, August 3. Please give suggestions on each of our Facebook pages. One per candidate’s page! Carla Billingham for NH House of Representatives Sean Lewis for New Hampshire Bonnie4Salem For more details, see:


Using sound environmental practices, like eliminating CFCs (or chlorofluorocarbons) we are improving Mother Earth. The ozone hole over Antartica has shrunk by 1.5 square million miles since it’s peak in 2000. This proves that collective action can lead to an eco-friendly future. We can win this fight to protect our environment. What are you doing for …


Why (((Echo))) on Twitter? I didn’t know, so I looked it up. I found several articles, but liked this one the best. Or, hated it the most: In brief: For a while, white nationalists, neo-Nazis and anti-Semites – groups largely now part of the disturbing ‘alt-right’ movement – have been putting three sets of brackets around …

Hello, Salem!

Thanks for stopping by! After a great deal of consideration, I have decided to run for one of the nine positions as NH State Rep for the Town of Salem. (Rockingham 08). I will be filing my application with the Salem Town Clerk’s Office on Friday, June 3. Joining me will be two other worthy …