Senate Priorities for Tuesday:
Concealed Carry & Union Busting

Tuesday will be a busy day for the NH Senate.
Can you be in Concord for some — or all — of these hearings?
9:00: State House, Room 100. Hearing for
SB 12-FN, repealing the licensing requirement for carrying a concealed pistol or revolver.
12:00: State House, Representatives Hall. Hearing for
SB 11-FN, prohibiting collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union. (Attempt to break up Unions)
1:30: Hearing, Legislative Office Building (LOB), Room 101. Hearing for
SB 15, relative to the law regarding therapeutic use of cannabis.
For the Senate Calendar, see
Following is more info about the bills, finishing with “What to expect” and “What to do.”
This bill has four parts:
I. Increases the length of time for which a license to carry a pistol or revolver is valid.
II. Allows a person to carry a loaded, concealed pistol or revolver without a license unless such person is otherwise prohibited by New Hampshire statute.
III. Requires the director of the division of state police to negotiate and enter into agreements with other jurisdictions to recognize in those jurisdictions the validity of the license to carry issued in this state.
IV. Repeals the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed pistol or revolver.
This has 1 primary sponsor, and 18 co-sponsors. 6 are Representatives, the remaining 13 are Senators. (We have 24 Senators). All sponsors are Republicans.
2. Right-to-Work (For Less): (NH SB 11)
SB 11-FN, prohibiting collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.
Note that there is 1 bill sponsor, and 17 bill co-sponsors, including 13 of our 24 Senators. All are Republicans. The hearing will be held by the Senate Commerce Committee, made up of three Republicans and two Democrats. All three of the Republicans on this committee are co-sponsors.
Right-to-work statutes exist in 27 US States. If we are not careful, NH will be added to that list.
NH legislators have tried to block unions before, and they are at it again. If you can, come to Concord on Tuesday to show that you believe that Right to Work (for less) is Wrong.
Unions protect our shrinking middle class. Other advantages of Unions:
3. SB 15, relative to the law regarding therapeutic use of cannabis.
This bill will add: “Qualifying medical condition” also means severe pain that has not responded to previously prescribed medication or surgical measures or for which other treatment options produced serious side effects.
Although there were many claims that our legislature would make the opioid crisis a top priority, this only has one sponsor, no co-sponsors. As I interpret this, this will mean that doctors can prescribe medical marijuana as an alternative to opioids.
There will be two other marijuana bills immediate following this hearing.
4. WHAT TO EXPECT if you attend:
FIND THE HEARING: Go to the State House. (Under the new gold dome). If you don’t know where to go, to to the front desk and ask for directions to the appropriate room. For SB 15, you can get to the Legislative Office Building by going in the Front Door of the State House, walk directly to the rear (around the stairs), and out the back door. The LOB is directly across the street. (A stately old stone building with an old sign indicating that it was the Post Office building.) (You can also take the tunnel from the State House Cafeteria under the street.)
YOU DO NOT NEED TO TESTIFY. Just show up and show your support or opposition. Be sure to sign in the attendance list to show that you care. Your Reps or Senator may look to see if their constituents showed up. A huge outpouring of constituents may make a difference.
TO TESTIFY: Have a personal story. Bring a copy for every member of the committee, plus one for the Record. Keep it to 3 minutes or less. You do not need to sign up in advance. Just sign in when you arrive.
DO NOT BRING SIGNS into the hearing room.
NOISE — Booing, hissing or applause — is not appropriate.
BE EARLY or be prepared to stand. “Popular” hearings end up being standing room only.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Committee Vote)— The Senate Calendar shows that an Executive Session MAY follow each of these hearings, but they are allowed to do it at another time. The Executive Session is open to the public, although the public cannot speak. The committee will discuss the hearing, and then vote on their recommendation to the rest of the Senate.
SENATE VOTE: Once the committee makes their recommendation, the bill will go before the full Senate. The Senators will vote on the bill as presented, or with amendments the committee recommends. Amendments may be made at the vote, too. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Senate President does not vote, unless there is a tie. (The Senate President is Salem’s CHUCK MORSE.)
IF the Senate approves a bill as introduced or as amended, (50%+1 of those voting) it goes to the NH House for their approval. It will be assigned to a committee, which will have one hearing, and Executive Session, and a floor vote. The House must approve the same language as the Senate for it to be approved. If that happens, it goes to the Governor to sign or veto. (Governor Sununu has already called for a concealed carry permit to be repealed and for Right to Work to pass.)
Every bill in NH has one (and only one) pubic hearing per chamber, and an opportunity to be heard on the floor.
KEEP INFORMED! And help educate others, too.
WATCH! Try to attend as many hearings as possible. Be sure to sign in so your voice is counted.
CONTACT your Senator (and your Representative(s) later in the process.).
Remember that phone calls are more effective than emails.
Give your legislators a short message: What you want them to do?
If you have a personal story, be sure to include it, but keep your message short.
Remember that NH has a volunteer legislation. ($100 per year!).
Senators have offices. Reps have no staff; they work from home. When you call a Rep, you are calling their personal cell phone or home phone. Be respectful!
Find your Senator here:
Senator Chuck Morse represents Atkinson, Pelham, Plaistow and Salem.
(603) 271-8472
Find your Reps here: